Project Description
CVG Taxilane N Extension
and Taxiway N & S Rehabilitation
Boone County, Kentucky
The Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG), located in Boone County, Kentucky, has been serving commercial passengers since 1947. CVG has cargo hubs for Amazon Air, Atlas Air, ABX Air, Kalitta Air, Southern Air, and DHL Aviation. CVG’s last update happened in 2013, and since that time there have been major operational changes; a shift from hub-based activity to increase local traffic, the return and growth of air cargo operations, and an increased demand for aeronautical and non-aeronautical land development. CVG changes are to focus on providing a concourse redevelopment strategy, evaluating opportunities to improve airfield capacity and efficiencies, supporting the passenger airlines, supporting the cargo airlines, and identifying landside improvements to support the increase in local passengers and the Consolidated Rental Car Facility.
One of the ways CVG planned on improving airfield capacity and efficiencies is by extending Taxilane N and the rehabilitation of Taxiway N and S. Taxilane N leads directly to Taxiway S but does not continue further east to connect to Taxiway T. Aircraft would travel north or south on Taxiway S to cross over to Taxiway T, which resulted in traveling against the predominant flow, which caused conflicts and delays. There was a need to extend Taxilane N to the east to connect to Taxiway T. The Harper Company was awarded the Taxilane N Extension and Taxiway N & S Rehabilitation; partial depth patching, full depth panel replacements, and extending Taxiway N.
Project Details
2019 – 2021
Butler, Fairman, & Seufert, Inc.