Utility Construction Services

7NT is currently performing Utility Construction Services under a Master Service Agreement (MSA) for Citizens Energy Group.  This work involves bringing manhole structures to specifications.

In the last 6 months 7NT has completed 5 work orders under our MSA involving repair and reconstruction of approximately 150 manholes. 7NT is currently under contract for another 8 work orders involving repair and reconstruction of approximately 300 additional manholes. We also anticipate doing similar work under larger Prime contractors for the 34th and Voigt project and the Pleasant Run Consolidation Sewer Project.

All of this work is being done for the Underground Engineering and Construction Department of Citizens Energy Group. Please contact John Trypus (317) 429-3954 and Tim Shutters (317) 410-3988 for a reference on the quality of our work.

Inspecting the manholes and associated sewer lines and determining the work needed.

Channel and bench reconstruction (fixing flow lines).

Inspecting and grout sealing the structures for infiltration/inflow.

Resetting and adjusting the manholes at the surface using our Mr. Manhole system.

Fixing invert/grade issues.

Lining the structures using our Permacast lining system– Cementitious and Epoxy.

Reconstruction of chimney/riser.

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“Over the years, 7NT has provided extensive geotechnical drilling and engineering services consisting of hundreds of exploratory borings. 7NT’s engineering and drilling staff regularly accommodate very tight time frames required due to the magnitude of these projects. 7NT’s qualifications are outstanding”

Spencer Fairfax, P.G. • Black & Veatch Corporation

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